
When You Don’t Want to Sue

When You Don’t Want to Sue

Wrongful Death LawsuitsYou have a serious injury and someone else is at fault.  Although you would like compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses, the thought of going to court makes you uncomfortable. You’ve already decided that you don’t want to sue. Aren’t there other options?

You can settle your Pennsylvania personal injury case without filing a lawsuit.

There are many reasons why Pennsylvania accident survivors choose not to sue:

  1. The person responsible for the accident was a friend or family member.
  2. Lawsuits take time. The client doesn’t have years to wait for settlement money.
  3. The accident victim would prefer to avoid unnecessary publicity.
  4. The client has religious or personal objections to lawsuits.

Whatever your reason for wanting to settle your case without having to sue, you are not alone. Despite what other lawyers have told you, lawsuits aren’t always necessary. Our attorneys can help you get a fair recovery without suing the other driver or the insurance company.

Don’t want to sue? You don’t have to give up your claim.

Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers uses mediation to help clients settle their case without lawsuits and without unnecessary contention. Our results speak for themselves. Here are just a few of the settlements we’ve obtained for our clients without ever stepping foot in a courtroom.

  • $900,000: Our client preferred not to sue due to high standing in the community; the case took only seven months.
  • $300,000: The client was financially struggling and desperately needed settlement money; we obtained a settlement within eight months
  • $150,000: The client received $50,000 only 75 days after hiring Jon; another $100,000 was disbursed 4 1/2 months later.
  • $100,000: The client was a citizen and resident of Guatemala. Suing would have been difficult because he returned to his country.

A settlement is simply an agreement to end a dispute.  The insurance company offers a sum of money, and in return, the injured person agrees to sign a full liability release and give up all potential claims against the company.  During mediation, your attorney works with the insurance company to negotiate a settlement that is fair to all parties. The truth is that even when a client wants to sue, most cases end up settling before going to court.

Here’s what you need to know.

Settling offers benefits to both parties. The insurance company avoids expensive legal fees and court costs. They are able to negotiate how much is paid for your claim rather than leaving it up to a sympathetic jury. You get an insurance settlement without having to deal with a stressful, time-consuming court case. You may not get as much as you would if a jury decided your case, but Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers will work with the insurance company to get you settlement that meets your needs.

Have you been avoiding talking to a lawyer because you don’t want to sue? Call Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers and tell the operator that you are interested settling your case without litigation. We’ll schedule a free consultation to discuss the alternatives.