Drunk Driving

What DUI Crash Victims Should Know

What DUI Crash Victims Should Know

People who choose to drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs put themselves and everyone around them at risk of serious harm, and they should be held civilly liable for any harm they do end up causing through their misconduct. That said, understanding your rights in a situation like this can be harder than you […]


What to Do After Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver

What to Do After Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver

It is difficult to know what to do after a car accident, and the chaos and confusion of an accident scene are overwhelming for anyone regardless of the circumstances. When a drunk driver is involved, however, there are even more issues to deal with. It is important for victims of drunk drivers to be represented […]


Preventing PA DUI Accidents: It Takes Time

Preventing PA DUI Accidents: It Takes Time

How Long Does it Take to Get Sober? Most of us are responsible drivers. We know that driving under the influence is dangerous and that our driving skills may be impaired before you reach the legal limit of a .08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC). We may even know exactly how many drinks we can […]


Celebrate Safely: Four Tips for Preventing PA DUI Accidents This New Year’s Eve

Celebrate Safely: Four Tips for Preventing PA DUI Accidents This New Year’s Eve

2016 is nearly here. For many, ringing in the New Year involves a traditional toast with champagne, sparkling wine or even beer. Will you be joining us in toasting the New Year? According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, alcohol-related fatalities triple each year in the period between Thanksgiving and January 3rd. While the […]


Prom, Graduation, Summer Vacation… It’s Time to Talk to Your Teen about Drunk Driving

Prom, Graduation, Summer Vacation… It’s Time to Talk to Your Teen about Drunk Driving

First there is prom, followed by graduation and summer vacation.  For many teens, the memories made will last a lifetime. However, for some teens, the memories will be tragic. Prom to the end of summer vacation is the time period when teen accident rates spike. One third of teen accident deaths occur between prom and […]


Who’s liable if I cause an accident on the way home from a holiday party?

Who’s liable if I cause an accident on the way home from a holiday party?

Question:  I am going to my company’s holiday party.  Who is liable if I were to cause an accident there or on the way home?  What if I had a passenger in my car?   The answer is not simple. Let’s take the easier part of the question first.  If you consumed alcohol to the […]


What Others Think of the NTSB Recommendation to Lower the Drunk Driving Threshold

What Others Think of the NTSB Recommendation to Lower the Drunk Driving Threshold

Earlier this month, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended that each of the fifty states lower the current 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC) definition for drunk driving to 0.05% BAC. The government argues that fewer drunk driving crashes will occur and the effort will save lives. The move to lower the drunk driving threshold […]


A Temporary Ban on Breathalyzers

A Temporary Ban on Breathalyzers

Pennsylvania Breathalyzer Ban A temporary ban on breathalyzers could potentially help victims of drunk driving accidents. Instead of using breathalyzers, the State Police will require suspects to undergo blood testing. Blood testing is believed to be more accurate than breathalyzers and could remove some of the confusion about whether tests done immediately after a crash […]


Catch Drunk Drivers: It’s a Good Thing Facebook Friends Can’t Always be Trusted

Catch Drunk Drivers: It’s a Good Thing Facebook Friends Can’t Always be Trusted

Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, may provide new ways to catch drunk drivers who flee the scene of an accident, but only if “friends” and “followers” take status messages or tweets seriously and report what they know to local police. How Social Media Can Help Catch Drunk Drivers Take, for example, what happened […]


Teenage Drunk Driving Accidents Decrease Significantly Over Last Two Decades

Teenage Drunk Driving Accidents Decrease Significantly Over Last Two Decades

Earlier this month, the CDC released new information about teen drinking and driving in the United States. As we observe National Teen Driver Safety Week this week, our injury accident attorneys want to look at the latest information from the CDC regarding teenage drunk driving accidents. According to the CDC, since 1991 there has been […]